Best ways to earn money online

So you probably ended up in this website craving the internet in search of online jobs or "How to earn Online". Internet is the best network to connect to whole world and by the blessings of modern day advancements it has been an excellent platform to earn money. Well you have entered the perfect guidance page where I will show you the perfect methods of earning online with absolutely Zero Investments and High Payments.

Now without any delays let us move on to our list of best ways to earn online


If you want to work independently and give yourself the title of 'Self-employed" then freelancing is your best option. Freelancing is basically using your skills to earn. If you have excellent skills on any fields you can use it to earn profit. In this people will pay you to do there work regarding your skills. For example if you can do good video editing then people will pay you for editing there videos. All you need is a platform to display your skills or qualifications so that customers can know about you and your skills. To display your skills or qualifications you can open an account in various freelancing websites available on the internet. these websites are also useful if you want to hire someone to do your jobs.

The top ten best freelancing websites are listed bellow:

Other honorable mentions 
You can choose between these websites as per your wish and features provided by the website.

Data Entry

The job of data entry is one of the most popular jobs available online. It is also one of the highest paid jobs with payments ranging from $3 to $15 per hour (depending upon the website) with absolutely zero investments. For this jib you will need fast typing skills and a well conditioned computer with strong internet connection. To apply for this job you need to sign-up to a data entry website where your typing skills will be tested then once you passed you will be given certain typing tasks like captcha entry, form filling, survey form filling, payroll data entry, content writing or even tasks as simple as copy & paste for which you will be paid.

Here are some popular data entry job website:

Stock photo/Footage selling

If you have a good camera and the potential of capturing good photos and videos then this one is for you. You can earn online by selling your photos or videos online. Websites like shutterstock provides the best platform for an individual photographer to earn profit from his photos and the best part is that the same photo or video can be sold infinite times to new customers so you will keep on earning from the same content. The website where you sell your photos and videos will keep some percentage of the earnings and provide you with your cut. Also you must not forget that your photos will first be submitted for a review after uploading and your photos will only go for sales if the photo was approved in the review.

Here are some sites to sell your photos and videos.

For Photos

For videos

1. Pexels

10. 123RF

Online Tutoring

This one is for those who are expert in particular subject and teach it to others who want to learn.
In this you just have to teach your subject on online platforms available and you wil get paid accordingly. On websites like Udemy you can also submit your recorded lectures or tutorials and earn from it. following are some on the websites where you can earn by teaching.

However you will need your qualifications in most of the online tutoring websites. In these websites you will have to apply by filling a form and you will have to submit your teaching demo to the websites which will be reviewed. Once approved you will get your online job of teaching in the websites.


Blogging may be the most time-consuming way of earning online but still the payments are worth it.
For this you need to create a blog via wordpress or blogger and then keep on posting contents until you get a good traffic and get verified by ad service providers like Adsense. In this you earn by posting contents on your blog in which you have implement ads. Your earnings are based on ads viewed by visitors on your blog. This process does not need any investments until you advertise your website or buy a domain for it. 


Even though it takes a lot of creativity, time and patience youtube may be your main income source with high payments. Here you need to simply create a channel on specific topic with your google account and then post videos regarding your topic. You also need decent video editing skills for your youtube content otherwise you still have an option of hiring someone to do it for you. 

You can run game stream, tutorial, movie, vlogging etc channels and after you meet the basic requirements for youtube partnership program you can implement ads on your videos through which you can earn money. If you have enough traffic on your channel then you can also earn through sponsorship. Youtube is the second most visited website in the internet which means if you have enough traffic on your channel you will get both money and fame. 

So these were the best ways to earn online with zero investments. Hope you found out what you could do from the above options.

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