Features that Google should include in their services

Here are some suggestion for google in terms of their features and services

Google is the leading company in the world of internet. Since the establishment of google there has been a lot of improvements in services provided by the. They started with a search engine, then introduced the world famous video sharing platform Youtube, They own G-mail which is world's most used e-mailing service and also the Android OS which is running on millions of mobile devices right now. The company is known for innovation and ahead of its time in terms of services they provide but still there are some features which google is lacking in its services these features if implemented can result a great help for its users

Direct Connection between revenue earnings and Payment services

First of all let us talk about payment services and revenue services offered by google. "Google Pay" or "G Pay" is the service through which we can pay online and "Adsense" and "Admob" are services through which we can earn through google. However the problem is that we cannot transfer our earnings from adsense or admob directly to Google pay. There might be some legal problems or issues stopping google from doing this but considering google as one of the world's leading companies google must once discuss on this topic.

Gaming Optimized OS for PCs

Google is an expert in the field of OS, Currently google owns Android, Chrome, Fuchsia, and Pigweed
(which is under development) Operating Systems. Among these Chrome and Fuchsia work on Pixelbooks which is google's fancy term for laptops but both of these are light weight operating systems optimized for less powerful devices. Gaming industries in present are growing rapidly and a gaming optimized OS might be the right thing for google to invest on. Moreover they can also implement their "Stadia"service in this new operating system to give it more boost in the market.

AirDrop like instant file sharing platform in Android

AirDrop has existed in apple devices 2011 and it is the fastest and easiest file sharing platform. The fact that AirDrop has been there for almost a decade really questions why android hasn't integrated similar technology. There are other features like NFC in android devices but this needs a dedicated NFC antenna which is only included in flagship level devices. So to run on every existing android devices including the budget device section google really needs no include an airdrop like technology for file sharing.

Improvements in Dark theme of Google's Apps

Dark Mode feature is now available in every android skins and even stock android. It is comfortable for your eyes and saves the devices' battery if it has a AMOLED screen.  There is no problem with dark mode on stock android but there is definitely problem in dark theme of apps like Play Store and Youtube, Here the dark mode is not totally black as it should be actually its a darker shade of grey which may be comfortable for eyes but does not saves battery life. It would be great if google did improvements in its app's dark themes.

Native VPN in Chrome Browser

These days VPN is a must if you wants to increase the level of your privacy or access geographically locked services. There are a lot of VPN  chrome extensions but still it would be more convenient if there was a native VPN integrated in the browser.

Google surely is ahead in terms of features and services it currently provides but if they included the above topics then it would surely give them a boost. I really hope someone from google would respond to this in the comments bellow. Readers can also give their suggestion on topics that I may have missed to include. 


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