Worlds First Photograph Of A blackhole

Take your first glance at the world's first photograph of a blackhole. This picture was just released some minutes ago and now it is all over the internet . The blackholes photograph is the result of       dedication and of scientists for search of something new.

You may have heard about the Event Horizon Telescope Project. In this project the goal was to set a group of telescopes on some parts of the globe and take photographs of the space in areas where the presence of black hole was hypothesized. Then through software help the photos were to be combined in order to spot and photograph of the black hole.

With the financial support of organizations like National Science Foundation and other organizations the Event Horizon Telescope Project was a success and the picture that you saw above is the result of the success. The black hole seen above is a super massive black hole present at the center of an elliptical galaxy named Messier 87.

The light seen around black hole is actually light produced when gases are sucked in a super fast speed. The speed causes friction between the gas molecules which then produces heat and light energy.

 "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong

April 10, 2019
- Siddhant Silwal

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